In order to take the abolitionist cause as far as possible and in parallel with its World Congress, ECPM is developing long-term actions in Central Africa, the Middle East, North Africa and South-East Asia. These actions hinge on 4 main areas:

  • .  Federate to enable actors committed against the death penalty to join their strengths
    Reinforce to provide these actors with strategic, financial and/or logistical support in their struggle.
  • .  Advocate to organise high-level political meetings, create awareness raising campaigns, establish regular anti-death penalty events
  • . Educate to raise awareness among citizens in educational environment.


ACAT Congo

Since 2015, ECPM has been involved in Congo in partnership with ACAT CONGO.



– by facilitating the presence of many Congolese actors at international events on the death penalty

– by conducting an advocacy campaign with the authorities to include abolition in the new constitution

– by conducting a targeted campaign on the ratification by the Congo of the 2nd Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights