Pour porter la cause abolitionniste le plus loin possible et en parallèle de son Congrès mondial, ECPM développe des actions au long cours en Afrique centrale, Moyen-Orient–Afrique du Nord et Asie du Sud-EstCes actions s’articulent autour de 4 axes essentiels :

  • • Fédérer pour permettre aux acteurs engagés contre la peine de mort d'unir leurs forces
  • • Renforcer pour leur apporter un appui stratégique, financier et/ou logistique dans leur combat
  • • Plaidoyer afin d'organiser des rendez-vous politiques de haut niveau, créer des campagnes de sensibilisation et mettre en place des événements récurrents contre la peine de mort
  • • Éduquer pour sensibiliser les citoyens en milieu scolaire

ECPM in Iran


Since when ?

Since 2012, ECPM has been involved in Iran.


With whom ?

ECPM is working with Iran Human Rights (IHR) to publish an annual report on the death penalty in Iran. ECPM is also a committed member of Impact Iran.

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March 2018: publication of the annual report of IHR and the ECPM on the death penalty in Iran. On this occasion, ECPM made a joint oral intervention with IHR at the Human Rights Council and organized a side-event at the 37th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

November 12, 2018: ECPM sends a letter co-signed by many local partners and NGOs to the permanent UN missions in order to draw attention to the human rights situation in the country.

December 18, 2018: Hearing at the European Parliament in Strasbourg of an Iranian delegation on the death penalty accompanied by ECPM, as part of Human Rights Week.

February 2019: presentation of the IHR and ECPM annual report on the death penalty in Iran at the 7th World Congress against the Death Penalty in Brussels.

March 2019: co-signature of a letter intended for the same member of the UN Human Rights Council in support of the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Special Rapporteur in Iran.

March 2019: co-sponsorship of a side-event on the rights of the child in Iran on the sidelines of the Human Rights Council session.

September 2019: joint side-event with Impact Iran, ABC, IHR and KMMK-G, at the UN for the UPR of Iran


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