If you are an organisation teaching about human rights and you would like to organise an educational event in partnership with ECPM and/or join the Teaching Abolition International Network, contact Marianne Rossi, Head of Teaching and Raising Awareness About Abolition, by email: mrossi@abolition.fr or telephone: 01 80 87 70 56.
Teaching Abolition International Network
The Teaching Abolition International Network was founded on 25 January 2014 at a national conference on abolition of the death penalty in Lebanon. The network aims to bring together NGO actors from across the world who carry out action to teach about abolition with young people with the aim of encouraging an exchange of good practice.
The Teaching Abolition International Network has, little by little, been organised around the idea that action to teach about abolition must encourage and highlight the civic commitment of young people. In order to meet this goal, members jointly decided that the Network’s priority would be the bi-annual organisation of an international drawing competition “Draw Me Abolition”.
The Teaching Abolition International Network includes five founding members (ECPM, LACR, the Moroccan and Tunisian coalitions against the death penalty, and IADH) which have significant experience in advocacy with young people (organisation of school events and/or creation of teaching tools). Thus far, its members have concentrated on organising the Network and defining its action priorities. From 2017, new members will be integrated with a view to enriching the exchange of good practice between members and encouraging civil society actors from across the world to develop action to teach about abolition in their countries.
Founding members of the Network:
Association libanaise pour les droits civils
Coalition marocaine contre la peine de mort
Coalition tunisienne contre la peine de mort